Paranormal Witness Wiki
Forums: Index > Help desk > Rules

This site is not for everyone.  Even more this site is for a more mature audience.  Because if the one big rule is HAVE to be 18 years or older.  Some of the content of this site may scare people.  Images, blogs, posts, forums and even videos may contain things that will scare the living day lights out of you.  Information about episodes you may be able to fine on Sci-Fi page.  Images I get from Space page (they show episodes three per week).  Saying something is hoaxes are only an opinion.  These are stories of firsthand accounts from witness of the events.  Information about spirits can be about their life and what they are like in the afterlife meaning.  A brief history of what they are like.  Why or how they died.  As for there after life what they are like and why are they are haunting the location and finally if they have been allowed to move on to the great beyond.  Locations are also a key topic.  The place where the haunting is occurring, this will give an idea where not to go.  Most importantly a brief past history of the site, there is a reason the site is haunted and must be talked about.  Characters are the last topic on the list.  They are not really characters they are more like eye witnesses.  They too should be added in time.  Final thing to be added is channels the show is shown on.  Other information should be real and honest.  False information about anything would be removed and a block may be issued.  Swearing and cursing is not allowed at all.  They would be banned from the site or any activities related to the site.  Vandalism would get a blocked.  Trolls on the site would be banned.  Blogs should be about topics of personal interest, stories or person experiences in the paranormal.  If there anything that has to do with devil worshipping, putting down the show, saying the show is forged in any way will be removed from the site.  Pictures are ok, but if the images are of any form of Porn.  The image will be removed and the downloader will be blocked or banned.  Registered users are the biggest must thing for this site.  Because of the age limit.  Since users must be registered, any editing from unregistered user will be removed.  But the good thing is registering with wikia is free and only need an e-mail account after that I will see you on the site.  The final thing is that I am not on the site chat room.  I am on the Arthur Wiki chat room because on Wednesday at 9:00 pm.  I and another user are chatting about the Paranormal Witness episode we both just watched.  So if you feel to join the chat all is welcome to the Arthur Wiki chat room.  From 9:00 pm to 10:00 pm eastern standard time.

Orion001 (talk) 17:52, August 14, 2013 (UTC)
